18 Aug 2014A little bird told me...Ban Twitter and Facebook to avoid losing out in the divorce law courts, says Katy Barber
18 Aug 2014Finding unison 'in wealthBeing super-rich today offers a sense ?of purpose rather than privilege, ?says Sarah Cormack
12 Aug 2014Family updateAustin Chessell advises practitioners on how to best classify, promote and grow the recognition of mediation services
6 Aug 2014Non-legally trained mediators: a Tour de Farce?Mediation in family disputes is a threat to justice, believes Marilyn Stowe
4 Aug 2014£100m legal aid shortfall for family lawyersSolicitors and barristers will need to adapt and innovate as fees disappear
31 Jul 2014Court refers just 2 per cent of parties to mediationFamily lawyers should be 'incentivised' by government to refer clients to mediation
30 Jul 2014Four-week suspended sentence for former husband who failed to pay divorce settlementHigh Court finds Michael Prest had wilfully refused or neglected to pay maintenance
30 Jul 2014Pre-nups on the upMore clients understand the benefit in preparing pre-nuptial agreements should the worst happen, says Sarah Balfour