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Legal Opinion & Comment | Expert Analysis and Perspectives


The perils of social media when pursuing a damages claim
Solicitors Journal

The perils of social media when pursuing a damages claim

Jon Andrews, a Partner at Express Solicitors, looks at social media in regards to its implications for a claimant involved in personal injury litigation behaving in a way that is inconsistent with their pleaded case or medical evidence
Joint legal advice for divorcing couples
Solicitors Journal

Joint legal advice for divorcing couples

Gemma Hope, a Director, Solicitor, Collaborative Lawyer and Mediator at Family Law Partners, discusses the increase in divorcing couples seeking out more amicable solutions to their separation and the evolution of the legal profession to meet that need
Mitigating the tractor tax – can a compromise be found?
Solicitors Journal

Mitigating the tractor tax – can a compromise be found?

Charles Richardson, a Partner specialising in landed estates at Kingsley Napley, discusses the outcry from farmers in response to the inheritance tax changes announced by the government and whether a compromise is possible