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Social media contraband

Social media contraband

Ban Twitter and Facebook to avoid losing out in the divorce law courts, argues Katy Barber
Cutting edge in family law

Cutting edge in family law

Mediation will never replace litigation, says Marilyn Stowe, but nevertheless should be nurtured as a valuable adjunct
Parental gifts and reservation of benefit

Parental gifts and reservation of benefit

Giving property away, particularly the family home, so that it is out of your estate for IHT purposes while still living in it or otherwise enjoying a benefit from it has become increasingly difficult in recent years, explain William Hadley and Fiona Graham
Step change

Step change

Broadening the class of applicants treated as a child of the deceased should bring about more inheritance claims, says Lloyd Junor
Parental guidance

Parental guidance

When buying property for children, clients must weigh up the IHT benefits of giving funds away and reducing the size of their estate against their desire to protect assets from claims, says Caroline Cook 
Widening the family circle

Widening the family circle

Despite the perceived costs, there are merits to introducing independent trustees to help look after everyon';s best interests, says Nicola Marchant
A little bird told me...

A little bird told me...

Ban Twitter and Facebook to avoid losing out in the divorce law courts, says Katy Barber