Linzi Bull, a Partner and Head of Modern Families at Penningtons Manches Cooper, looks in detail at the new guidance from the Family Justice Council and whether it is likely to address the issues relating to cases involving allegations of alienating behaviour
Following the government’s decision to end the value-added tax exemption on private school fees, Alice Scambler, a Director, Solicitor, Mediator and Collaborative Lawyer at Family Law Partners, looks at what this decision will mean for separated families
Tim Sales, a Committee Member of the London Solicitors Litigation Association (LSLA) and a Partner at CMS, discusses the progress made in terms of thriving as a working parent and the challenges that remain
Gemma Hope, a Director, Solicitor, Collaborative Lawyer and Mediator at Family Law Partners, discusses the increase in divorcing couples seeking out more amicable solutions to their separation and the evolution of the legal profession to meet that need
Dr Jo Wilding, a Senior Lecturer in Law at the University of Sussex, discusses the legal aid crisis in the UK and possible solutions to addressing access to justice challenges
Catherine Wood KC and Julia Townend, Barristers at 4PB, share their thoughts on the Pathfinder Pilot so far, following an informative day spent at Bournemouth Family Court with HHJ Simmonds to see the Pilot in operation