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Update: employment

Update: employment

Sue Ashtiany considers the merits and potential pitfalls of the new ACAS Code on disciplinary and grievance procedures, and reviews a case on discrimination and the reverse burden of proof
Constructive thinking

Constructive thinking

Mark Pawlowski asks whether there is scope for giving effect to informal land agreements by applying constructive trust doctrine
Update: competition

Update: competition

Richard Waite reviews the latest developments in emergency rescue measures for banks, public interest considerations in mergers and acquisitions, parallel trade prevention and punishment for cartel activity
Your home as a raffle prize

Your home as a raffle prize

Raffles could be an innovative way of selling property in a depressed market but owners risk falling foul of gambling laws, says Richard Lawson
North West: fighting fit

North West: fighting fit

Amid deepening troubles North West firms are embracing old fashioned values to see themselves through the economic meltdown. Jean-Yves Gilg reports
Update: consumer

Update: consumer

Jenny Howe considers the planned simplification of consumer legislation, the first case under the Unfair Trading Regulations, doorstep selling, and price comparison websites
It's a long, unclear story

It's a long, unclear story

The House of Lords has referred O'Byrne to the Court of Justice for a second time, but are we expecting too much by insisting on absolute clarity from the ECJ, asks David Scannell