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Down in the valley?

Down in the valley?

Firms in the Thames Valley are optimistic they'll survive but will have to row harder to make sure they don't capsize in the current economic climate, writes Jean-Yves Gilg
Update: IP and IT

Update: IP and IT

Susan Singleton reviews the latest developments on co-operation agreements, abuse of market power, disclosure of encryption keys and freedom of information
The new low-carbon diet

The new low-carbon diet

Despite the economic downturn, with buildings the source of approximately half of the UK's carbon dioxide emissions, and construction the source of about one-third of all waste in the UK, sustainability remains an important issue for the property industry. Regulation is on the rise and the government expects the industry to play a significant role in reducing waste and cutting emissions.
Feathering the nest

Feathering the nest

Alan Fowler details the key provisions of the Pensions Act 2008, including the requirement that employers make compulsory pension provision
Honest, guv

Honest, guv

A recent decision of the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal shows how thorough preparation of all relevent details is the key to surviving an SRA investigation, says Tony Guise
Learning to stress less

Learning to stress less

Emma Tyler explains some of the techniques lawyers can use to recognise and deal with stress
Employment in the internet age

Employment in the internet age

Misuse of technology by employees can land employers in hot water, and the range of defences available are limited, says Sarah Crowther
Locked out of a solution?

Locked out of a solution?

How can local authorities best address the conflict between the established practice of entering into exclusivity agreements with contractors, and the new procurement rules requiring openness and transparency, asks Laura Clarke