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Poor, in debt and no lawyer

Poor, in debt and no lawyer

The judicial system is letting poor families down by its failure to prevent heavy handed prosecution of those unable to meet their civil debts, says Joanna Kennedy
Update: trusts, wills and probate

Update: trusts, wills and probate

Catherine Sanders and Helen Bryant review the latest cases and developments including beneficial interests, disclosure of letter of wishes, reasonable provision and statutory legacies
Rewrite, revise, redraft

Rewrite, revise, redraft

The regulation of consumer credit has descended into chaos, leaving borrowers subject to information overload and lenders prey to red tape, says Richard Mawrey QC
Update : housing

Update : housing

Rebecca Cattermole reviews the latest homelessness appeals, plus cases relating to the right to buy, variation of tenancy terms and committal
Demanding times

Demanding times

As the credit crunch bites harder,and recession looms large, what can we expect the insolvency landscape to look like over the next six months? asks Kathryn Tait
Still tough for women

Still tough for women

Although women in legal practice are aware of their employment rights many firms continue to just pay lip service to the rules. Ayesha Nayyar investigates
Trends: property

Trends: property

Some forward-thinking conveyancing practices are seeing the current property market downturn not as a disaster, but an opportunity. Jenny Ramage reports
The claims e-revolution

The claims e-revolution

The use of technology in court is now so easy and inexpensive that some judges even disallow court fees, says Edwina Millward