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Latest Legal News


Missing the point

Missing the point

The points based system is making some progress but the government must make vast improvements to ensure its success, says Abid Mahmood
Well trained

Well trained

Firms withdrawing training contracts must act fairly and in a non-discriminatory manner to avoid claims that could damage their reputation, says Gemma Sowerby
Unfinished business

Unfinished business

The DPP's interim guidance on assisted-suicide prosecutions leaves many questions unanswered, says Penney Lewis
Signed and sealed

Signed and sealed

If the plumber can charge £90 for five minutes' work, solicitors should be allowed to increase the fee for swears, says Russell Conway
Update: property

Update: property

Janet Armstrong-Fox reviews cases on conveyancers' undertakings, VAT treatment of parking space leases and the enforceability of restrictive covenants, as well as government plans to protect tenants of repossessed properties
Spalding sense

Spalding sense

5.30am. Friday. My mobile phone cheerfully comes to life with a tune that, in other circumstances, one could dance to. Shortly afterwards the alarm clock joins in, except that no dance has yet been devised to the tune of pip pip pip, pip pip pip. Both phone and clock are on the other side of the bedroom. That is because this is a 'must wake up' situation. It is not an option to press the snooze button.