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Latest Legal News


Gambling in pubs

Gambling in pubs

Though the Gambling Act 2005 is seen as a 'liberal' regime, its Code of Practice imposes a 'tough' level of compliance for gambling in public houses, says Roy Light
Prenup pitfalls

Prenup pitfalls

Prenuptial agreements are increasingly relevant in divorce proceedings but both lawyers and clients should tread carefully, says Suzanne Kingston and Faye Fitzsimmons
Greater London: small is beautiful

Greater London: small is beautiful

London is not all about the Magic Circle firms. Sole practitioners and dedicated legal aid firms are tackling challenges such as the Legal Services Bill head on, says Jean-Yves Gilg
Simpler, speedier justice for all?

Simpler, speedier justice for all?

The government's latest initiative to improve the criminal justice system ignores the realities of criminal defence work and merely shifts the burden on other agents in the process, say Lisa Mountford and Martin Hannibal 
Challenging abuse

Challenging abuse

The criminalisation of breaches of non-molestation orders sets a new challenge without solving the problem of domestic violence, says Clive Thomas
Life in crime

Life in crime

The rough, tough knockabout cop from the world of tv fiction could make a return if the Home Office reviews the PACE, says Francis FitzGibbon
Practice trends: criminal law

Practice trends: criminal law

The assumption in the current legal aid reforms that the best value tendering proposals will reduce prices ignores evidence pointing to the fragility of the supplier base, argue Colin Beaumont and Paul Beaumont
Widening your horizons

Widening your horizons

In the last of three articles on practice development in the age of the Legal Services Act, Kim Tasso considers product and service development, market-focused strategies and distribution channels