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Latest Legal News


Life in crime

Life in crime

The rough, tough knockabout cop from the world of tv fiction could make a return if the Home Office reviews the PACE, says Francis FitzGibbon
Practice trends: criminal law

Practice trends: criminal law

The assumption in the current legal aid reforms that the best value tendering proposals will reduce prices ignores evidence pointing to the fragility of the supplier base, argue Colin Beaumont and Paul Beaumont
Widening your horizons

Widening your horizons

In the last of three articles on practice development in the age of the Legal Services Act, Kim Tasso considers product and service development, market-focused strategies and distribution channels
A positive development?

A positive development?

In the first of a series articles on the new Construction (Design and Management) Regulations 2007, Gordon Exall assesses the scope of civil liability and the importance of breach of statutory duty
Book reviews

Book reviews

Conveyancing Checklists,Frances Silverman and Russell Hewitson, The Law Society, £34.95, ISBN 9781853289835
Update: housing law (2)

Update: housing law (2)

In the second part of this update, Jim Shepherd and Dominic Preston consider recent Court of Appeal and House of Lords rulings relating to security of tenure, tenancy terms, human rights, disability discrimination and anti-social behaviour
The training race

The training race

Chore or development opportunity? With the annual CPD deadline of 31 October looming many practitioners are reviewing their CPD hours. Clarissa Dann considers the different approaches to personal development
The traditional approach

The traditional approach

In the second of three articles, Kim Tasso considers marketing private client services through reputation, referrers and relationships