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Latest Legal News


No guarantees

No guarantees

Disclaiming a lease is a standard option where tenants become insolvent, but it does not extinguish the rights of third parties such as guarantors or former tenants, warns Julian Sidoli del Ceno
Made to order

Made to order

The role of grandparents and the rise in shared residence orders are two of the main trends the family courts have been grappling with when considering a child's best interests. Noel Arnold reports
Starting  young

Starting young

Operation Bumblebee is back: all over the Tube there are adverts telling would-be burglars that the Metropolitan Police has re-launched the burglar-busting initiative, and, if they have any sense at all, they should not be welcoming these darkening evenings as a heaven-sent opportunity to go out burgling, but rather see it as a time to draw up an armchair by a warm fire and have a quiet night in, reminisce about the old days and get an early night. We, the householders, are invited to defeat the threat posed by those who ignore the warnings and prefer to wander from their firesides on autumn evenings by leaving our lights on. The burglars – well, most of them – understandably do not want to risk burgling a house where the occupier is at home, and so they will either move on to find an easier target or just go back home, rattle the coals and say “nothing doing” to Mrs Burglar.
Update: clinical negligence

Update: clinical negligence

Jock Mackenzie reviews cases involving doctors' breach of duty, including allegations of misdiagnosis, failure to seek specialist evidence and evidential matters
Update: family

Update: family

Lynne Passmore considers mediation, collaborative law, pre-nuptial agreements and divorce cases involving a change in income, the issue of domicile and a fall in the value of investments
Off balance

Off balance

The Serious Organised Crime and Police Act wrongly elevates minor offences committed by protestors to serious criminal actions and gives disproportionate protection to animal research organisations, says Benjamin Newton
All the small things

All the small things

Improving communication with your clients is a simple and inexpensive way to increase the amount of business they do with you and prevent them from going elsewhere, says Dianne Bown-Wilson