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Latest Legal News


Attorney General tackles arrest warrant anger

Attorney General tackles arrest warrant anger

Baroness Scotland, the Attorney General, has attempted to calm the storm provoked by the decision of a district judge in London to issue an arrest warrant against the former Israeli foreign minister Tzipi Livni.
Update: family (children)

Update: family (children)

Noel Arnold reviews cases on the threshold test and evidential issues in interim orders, fact-finding costs in private law cases, directions for residential assessments, and the two-stage approach in private law proceedings
Update: charities

Update: charities

James Aspden considers recent developments concerning the protection of gifts to charities including mental capacity, laches and disputes over costs in probate claims
Funding the future

Funding the future

The recession is changing how pensions are managed in the UK and has created several new challenges for both trustees and employers, says Kate Richards
Are you sitting comfortably?

Are you sitting comfortably?

The position of many claimants in actions against the police remains far from comfortable, despite the decision in Hoare, as they face several uncertainties when pursuing their case – not least the difficulty in securing public funding, say Stephen Chippeck and Nicholas Turner
More blue sky thinking

More blue sky thinking

In the second part of its 2010 forecast, Solicitors Journal picks out the areas likely to see some of the more significant changes, considering what practitioners should look out for in crime, local authority, private client and charity law this year
Firing the last shot

Firing the last shot

The courts are unlikely to displace the traditional approach to contract formation unless there is proof that both parties intended for certain terms to prevail, says Masood Ahmed
'Til death do us part

'Til death do us part

Against a background of increasing interest in the rights of a surviving spouse or cohabitant, Keith Wilding and John Marston examine the difficulties involved in establishing a survivor's entitlement to benefits