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Fix or twist?

Fix or twist?

Is the fixed success fee system appropriate for asbestos claims or should there be a return to court assessment of success fees? Simon Gibbs provides a defendant perspective
Snow joke

Snow joke

Mr Justice Spinachface woke up in his four poster bed, pulled aside the curtains, looked out across his modest 500 acre estate in the heart of Norfolk and said “damn and blast”.
Music producer wins Marmite battle

Music producer wins Marmite battle

A music producer has avoided potentially crippling legal costs after winning a battle over a recording used in TV advertisements for Marmite.
Thought leader: It's good to talk

Thought leader: It's good to talk

Why, for all knowledge, do we so poorly understand what is going on in our world? Since the advent of the World Wide Web 15 years ago, we have had unprecedented access to information and knowledge. Are we that much more effective, productive or creative? I don't think so.
The deal is done on criminal legal aid

The deal is done on criminal legal aid

The government has decided to abandon best value tendering as a means of funding criminal legal aid, but is pressing on with cuts in duty solicitor and advocacy fees.