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Quixotic endeavours

Quixotic endeavours

Forcing a jury to provide reasons for its decision questions the right, embedded in the Magna Carta, to trial by jury, warns David Rhodes
Get with the programme

Get with the programme

Another New Year and another trumpeting to announce the reappearance on our television screens of that well-known, ever popular drama queen: Laura Norder. Yup – she's back; and she is getting more gritty and ugly than she was before. The other night there were numerous trailers for Laura – we've got murdered females (naked), murdered females (clothed), we've gone under her covers, between her covers, found out that she is not all that she seems to be, that she has thrown away the rule book and so on. Laura is going to be very busy in the cold months of winter.
Young offender punishment regime is unlawful

Young offender punishment regime is unlawful

A punishment regime at a young offender institution, which describes punishments as “awards” and claims to be based on the consent of inmates, is unlawful, the High Court has ruled.
Gurkhas lose pensions challenge

Gurkhas lose pensions challenge

The British Gurkha Welfare Society has lost its challenge to the way the Ministry of Defence calculates pension entitlements.
Maximum age for firefighters not discriminatory

Maximum age for firefighters not discriminatory

Imposing a maximum age requirement for firefighters was designed to ensure operational capacity and was therefore a lawful exemption from the ban on age discrimination, the European Court of Justice has ruled.