Law Society: SRA proposals on enforcement processes ‘do not go far enough’Respondent not being present at an inquisition 'cannot be fair'
Are you a competent lawyer but can’t sell yourself?Francesc Dominguez explores how lawyers can 'brand' themselves for better results
APIL and MASS to intervene in Court of Appeal whiplash ‘mixed injuries’ test casesThe intervention by APIL and MASS is made on behalf of the claimant group
Australia: legislative reform in family provision claimsImogen de Haro reviews new changes and restrictions over family provision claims in New South Wales
Lanier Longstaff Hedar and Roberts brings first UK group action over talcum powder The firm's founder secured a $4.7bn ruling against Johnson & Johnson in the US
Designing a cyber defence strategy for your firmAlastair Murray presents measures to avoid incidents cyber-criminals can exploit
US: mortgage foreclosure litigationReminiscing the 2008 US housing crisis, Austin Aaronson explores whether history is about to repeat itself
DWF acquires Whitelaw Twining Law Corporation to expand into CanadaThe acquisition is valued at up to CA$42.6m (£27.7m)