Bereavement damages in England and WalesBilal Hussain and David Withers explore calls for reforms to the Fatal Accidents Act 1976
CLC regulated firms will not face fees increaseThe announcment comes following CLC's summer consultation
Gifting assets to family and friends: not just for ChristmasAlice Johnson presents some key points when advising your clients on gifting property
Clark Willmott issues warning after executor jailedHe was imprisoned after he 'buried his head in the sand'
Twas the night before Christmas: child contact arrangements over the festive periodKarin Walker considers Christmas child contact arrangements amid an overstretched court system.
Law is changing, even in TauntonDr. Bob Murray illustrates the changes and pressures within the legal sector
Law Society: SRA proposals on enforcement processes ‘do not go far enough’Respondent not being present at an inquisition 'cannot be fair'
Are you a competent lawyer but can’t sell yourself?Francesc Dominguez explores how lawyers can 'brand' themselves for better results