17 Oct 2022‘Inheritance Tax Premier League’: is reform on the cards?Kingsley Napley have undertaken a detailed analysis of recent tax data
17 Oct 2022Barristers or baristas: life for junior criminal defence counsel on strikeChaynee Hodgetts shares one story of junior criminal barristers' uncertain future
16 Oct 2022Hybrid working: how can firms manage the risks? Julie Norris considers the problems presented by hybrid working
14 Oct 2022Trusts decision: ‘far-reaching’ and ‘long-lasting’ impact on industryLaw firm Collas Crill acted for the successful lead appellant
14 Oct 2022International commercial law and the US Uyghur Forced Labor Prevention Act (UFLPA)Dr Angelika Hellweger considers the impact of this US modern slavery law on international companies' supply chains