23 Apr 2013A checklist approach to avoiding professional liability claimsBy Thomas Berman, Principal, Berman & Associates
23 Apr 2013Back to basics: Why your firm needs to focus again on basic financial managementA greater focus on basic financial management principles can increase firm profitability, says Robin Dicks
18 Apr 2013Rethinking pricing: Why fixed fees and value pricing are not pricing innovationsFixed fees and value pricing should not be treated as pricing innovations, says Chris Howe
15 Apr 2013Sharing ownership: Why UK law firms should embrace employee share ownershipUK law firms should adopt the John Lewis Partnership business model and extend ownership to employees, says Robert Postlethwaite
9 Apr 2013The problems with AFAs run deeper than resistance to change By Julious P. Smith Jr, Chairman Emeritus, Williams Mullen
20 Mar 2013Taxing liabilities: The issues to manage when closing an LLPWhat happens when a LLP's business comes to an end? ?Colin Ives explores the key issues in managing losses and taxes
19 Mar 2013Informed decisions: Using business analytics to improve firm profitabilityJohn Banister discusses how he has used business analytics to improve firm profitability and matter management
11 Mar 2013The problems with assessing overall partner contributionBy Ian Jeffery, Managing Partner, Lewis Silkin