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The pantomime of Divorce D-Day

The pantomime of Divorce D-Day

The mythical Divorce D-Day reappears every January and solicitors are doing nothing to stop it, including Tony Roe
One step forward, two steps back

One step forward, two steps back

The government's decision to make it illegal for the Church of England to conduct ?same-sex marriages leaves Anya Palmer questioning its position in society
Press cuttings: A v A

Press cuttings: A v A

Sharon Sloam considers A v A, which raises again the tricky concept of reporting financial affairs in family proceedings
Update | Family: shared parenting

Update | Family: shared parenting

Shared parenting presumptions set 'to be introduced in the Children Act 1989 will remind parents that children cannot be used as pawns in disputes between adults. 'Austin Chessell reports