26 May 2015Passing the torchGuy Abrahams explains how to maximise inheritance tax relief on a family business and simultaneously address the problem of succession
21 May 2015The final wordAt what point does a financial settlement following divorce actually become final, considers Theresa Cullen
20 May 2015The treasures of Castle HowardJeremy Passmore explores the potential routes to meeting the maintenance costs of possessing expensive property and assets
20 May 2015Women should be 'independent' after divorceThe law places a duty on wives to return to work and exercise their own earning capacity
19 May 2015Special contributions: outdated and unfair?Marilyn Stowe questions whether the law should reassess how it values marriage
18 May 2015MIAMs aren't a guaranteed deal-maker, Resolution tells Lord NeubergerRespondents to family law organisation's survey finds small proportion of mediations result in a settlement
24 Apr 2015Navigating the unknownAdvising a client on the size of their potential share in a property acquired solely in one person's name is uncertain by its nature, warns Christopher Stirling