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State of play: case summaries

State of play: case summaries

Elizabeth Eyre and Jennifer Ridgway look at case law regarding how to draw a line between unwise decisions and a lack of capacity, as well as the robustness of the golden rule
Where birds dare

Where birds dare

The novel 'bird nesting' arrangement for separated couples is very much a rarity in the UK. It really shouldn't be
Missing no longer

Missing no longer

The long overdue Presumption of Death Act 2013 has passed its first high-profile case with flying colours
Tight, but fluid

Tight, but fluid

The rules, limits and guidelines surrounding powers of attorney have changed markedly. Are you up to date?
Tick-box marriage

Tick-box marriage

A civil partnership for heterosexual couples will not undermine the institution of marriage. It will stop people who do not believe in it from entering into one and developing a tick-box marriage