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Leave Dickens behind

Leave Dickens behind

Realising a grand vision often hinges on the financial backing it receives. So how probable is Sir James Munby's online divorce vision?
Want of knowledge and approval

Want of knowledge and approval

The elements of the Banks v Goodfellow test do not have to be possessed to the highest degree to ensure the validity of a will
A legal history of change

A legal history of change

160 years later, reforms are still being made to our legal system; District Judge Nigel Law urges the profession to embrace them
From the archive: April 17, 1869

From the archive: April 17, 1869

Since our last publication the Married Women's Property Bill (a copy of which will be found in our last week's issue) has passed its second reading without a division, and has been referred to a Select Committee.
A clean break on divorce?

A clean break on divorce?

The English courts are moving away from the traditional needs-based approach to deciding spousal maintenance applications, explains Caroline Park