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Cohabitation myths debunked, again

Cohabitation myths debunked, again

John M Fotheringham draws attention to the dangers of ignoring a potential alternative jurisdiction, based on domicile, for a valuable statutory claim
Debunking 'cohabitation myths

Debunking 'cohabitation myths

Mariko Wilson discusses some commonly held false beliefs regarding the legal rights of cohabiting couples, and the advice practitioners should give clients to protect themselves
The Archers and the law on domestic abuse

The Archers and the law on domestic abuse

Helen Greenfield considers how new legislation criminisalising controlling or coercive behaviour in a family relationship could have applied to a recent storyline on the Radio 4 soap
Shaking up the cost rules

Shaking up the cost rules

Should the 'no order' principle be changed in financial remedy cases, wonders Marilyn Stowe