Wait for care proceedings rises to 28 weeksCafcass CEO 'not surprised' at increase following rise in applications
£500m divorce and separation market primed for financial advisers'It's very rare I see a case where financial input isn't needed at some stage'
Lord Chancellor urged to reform family lawNo-fault divorce a key campaign objective, say family lawyers
De-linking of divorce from 'money' to be rolled out nationallySuccessful pilot paves way for new approach to proceedings
Engendering confidence in the child maintenance systemThe current 'paper tiger' maintenance scheme has been criticised by Mr Justice Mostyn for failing to support vulnerable receiving parents, explains Philip Hunter
Court of Appeal departs from 'blind application' of equal sharing principleCouples may take more relaxed attitude towards pre-nuptial agreements
Ditch the 'soulless initials' and give children a voiceJudges hold the key to unlocking the potential of children in the family justice system, writes Matthew Rogers