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New leaf

New leaf

As SJ puts the finishing touches to next week's pro bono special, Jean-Yves Gilg and Rebecca Hilsenrath kick us off with a warning to the coalition: blur the boundaries of legal aid and pro bono at your peril
Court out

Court out

If you squint your eyes hard enough, you just might be able to find a silver lining in this kaleidoscope of cuts, says mediator Stephen G Anderson
Untold riches

Untold riches

The Supreme Court's approach to the recognition of prenups in the Radmacher decision should cause concern for practitioners, says Jeremy Abraham
Dial 'M' for mediation

Dial 'M' for mediation

Is being immortalised in a client's fridge magnet a compliment? Our new columnist, the long-suffering divorce expert Marilyn Stowe, is not so sure
Welcome to the lion's den

Welcome to the lion's den

As the ombudsman prepares to open shop, solicitors face hurried complaints handling and the possibility of a surge in speculative negligence claims, says Susanna Heley
Penalty kick

Penalty kick

With no legal status, a penalty notice for disorder is not a successful deterrent – but the innocent are still punished, says David Rhodes