With the cohabitant population set to grow further and no change in the law in sight, Therese Nichols reviews the advice lawyers should give to unmarried couples
Austin Chessell offers practical tips on how to resolve Christmas holiday contact through mediation, and considers the first prenuptial agreement case after Radmacher
Lord Justice Wall, president of the Family Division, has said that a new family justice service, a central recommendation of the Norgrove review, is neither practical nor necessary.
The ruling in Jones v Kernott indicates the court will take greater account of what it considers 'fair' in cohabitation disputes, but will it bring about substantial change or will campaigners have to wait for legislation to reform the law? Adam Colenso considers the likely impact of the decision, while Richard Power, who represented Patricia Jones in the case, gives the inside view
The Supreme Court has allowed the appeal by a former cohabitee that she should get 90 per cent of the former couple's home, restoring the trial judge's decision to depart from the traditional assumption that interest in the property should be split 50-50.