20 Sept 2012Co-op cautious on expansion of family law serviceNo target for recruits and no date for launch outside London
18 Sept 2012Complaints | Costs in matrimonial proceedingsMichelle Garlick and Deborah Sullivan 'explain how to avoid a complaint over 'fees being escalated to LeO
14 Sept 2012Family business | Be wary of befriending clientsGetting involved with clients is not only unprofessional, it might put you in 'a difficult position when billing for your work, says Marilyn Stowe
12 Sept 2012Law Commission proposes to end big divorce awards after short marriagesProperty acquired before marriage or inherited after would no longer be shared
1 Sept 2012Damage limitation: farm trust structuresDo farms held in trust structures protect against a divorce in the family? John Darnton considers RK v RK
16 Aug 2012Nothing to hide: disclosure of assets on divorceHonesty is the best policy in disclosure of assets on divorce, ?says Nigel Shepherd
10 Aug 2012The developing scope of constructive 'common intention' trustsThe courts have been wary of allowing litigants in property disputes'to import the principles set out in Jones in respect of cohabitation but 'already there are signs that this approach may not be set in stone, '
9 Aug 2012Heaven sent: Scottish cohabitation lawCohabitation and death – the perfect bedfellows? Karen Stewart considers the position in Scotland