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Business Development and Marketing


You are what you tweet

You are what you tweet

Can a diet of social media produce healthy profits for your law firm? Rachel Tombs thinks so
Return of the native

Return of the native

Martin Hoare, managing partner of Gorvins, talks to Jean-Yves Gilg about interweaving business areas, stealing a march on larger rivals, and how comparison shopping will accelerate the race to the bottom for legal services
What HR should really do

What HR should really do

Regardless of background, the right people should be around the top table. This includes HR professionals, argue Rob Lees and Mike Mister
Top qualities that make a solicitor a good salesperson

Top qualities that make a solicitor a good salesperson

Networking events, seminars, and hosting prospects are all opportunities to sell yourself and your firm. However, many solicitors shy away from or are 'too busy' to regularly and consistently treat sales opportunities as a priority, writes Mark Platt