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Catholic agency in ultimate appeal over same-sex parenting
Solicitors Journal

Catholic agency in ultimate appeal over same-sex parenting

Catholic Care, the organisation providing adoption services to the catholic community, has started a last-ditch attempt to stop the application of regulations that would prevent it from excluding same-sex couples from its services.
QC faces £560,000 demand from wife he divorced 25 years ago
Solicitors Journal

QC faces £560,000 demand from wife he divorced 25 years ago

David Vaughan QC, one of the leading silks at Brick Court and described by Chambers as a “doyen of competition law”, faces a claim for £560,000 from his first wife, following their divorce 25 years ago. The case will be heard by the Court of Appeal later this week.
Judges "must demonstrate commitment to public service"
Solicitors Journal

Judges "must demonstrate commitment to public service"

People applying for judicial posts should show their commitment to public service by answering questions about voluntary work, Baroness Neuberger, chair of the Lord Chancellor's advisory panel on judicial diversity, has said.
Update: professional negligence
Solicitors Journal

Update: professional negligence

Victoria Brackett considers cases on apportioning blame between barrister and solicitor, imposing absolute obligations, apportioning liability, limitation and scope of retainer
A matter of time
Solicitors Journal

A matter of time

Allowing too much time to pass before a child's evidence is challenged risks traumatising them further, says Benjamin Newton
Update: crime
Solicitors Journal

Update: crime

Ian Harris and Christopher Gutteridge discuss the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act, breaching the Criminal Procedure Rules, police malpractice and sentencing for firearms offences