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Team effort
Solicitors Journal

Team effort

A carefully-managed relationship between solicitor and expert witness is crucial to structure a successful case, says Jeremy Brooke
Working wonders
Solicitors Journal

Working wonders

With the default retirement age likely to be removed, employers should be more wary than ever of the risks of ignoring ageism in the workplace, says Emmanuelle Ries
Update: housing
Solicitors Journal

Update: housing

Giles Peaker reviews the latest cases involving registered social landlords, possession proceedings, housing eligibility and local authority allocation policies
Update: commercial contracts
Solicitors Journal

Update: commercial contracts

Mark Lucas considers recent cases illustrating the impact of Chartbrook in relation to the interpretation of contracts, the admissibility of pre-contractual negotiations and without prejudice discussions
The legal aid time bomb
Solicitors Journal

The legal aid time bomb

The successive bodies in charge of administering legal aid have been storing up trouble for the future, and the decision to make the Legal Services Commission an executive agency will further compound the problem, says Steve Hynes
Cracking the code
Solicitors Journal

Cracking the code

Housebuilders should be aware of several changes to their duties introduced by the new consumer code for homeowners, says Dominic Beeton
Culture clash
Solicitors Journal

Culture clash

The number of cases of international child abduction is rising, but in which country should proceedings take place and what rights does each parent have? Henry Brookman reports