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Cherchez la femme

Cherchez la femme

As discrimination claims by female partners are on the rise firms should ensure they can produce evidence of best practice and consistent processes if faced with such a claim, says Clare Murray
Update: personal injury

Update: personal injury

Vijay Ganapathy reviews cases on recovering inquest costs, Part 36 offers and exaggerated claims, what constitutes 'knowledge' in Limitation Act cases, and liability for a 'remote possibility' of injury
In the line of fire

In the line of fire

Chloe Strowger's involvement in a simulated United Nations conference was an exhilarating ride through the world of international politics – and a remarkable forerunner to her legal career
Down to a fine art

Down to a fine art

Law and the creative arts may seem worlds apart, but Elizabeth Hannaford's former legal career gave her the tools to cope with the tough world of fine art – where hard work, discipline and commercial awareness are just as vital
Update: planning

Update: planning

Gregory Jones and Sarah Sackman consider cases on the expansion of Stansted airport, unlawful developments, screening opinions, the interpretation of planning control and giving reasons for granting permission
Update: professional negligence

Update: professional negligence

The law lords' ruling in Moore Stephens has re-opened the debate about the precise scope of the ex turpi causa principle, says Spike Charlwood
Late for an important date

Late for an important date

With firms being quoted higher premiums than ever and many being refused cover, solicitors are struggling to meet the renewal deadline. Jean-Yves Gilg reports
Playing by the rules

Playing by the rules

Charities must ensure that any political activity they get involved in facilitates the work they do and that the costs are justified, says James Kilby