Letter from America: Hand in handLaw firms' marketing and risk management functions are symbiotic, says Thomas Berman of Berman & Associates
Editor's Letter: Being originalQuality of service and dedication to clients are not enough for law firms looking to remain competitive, suggests Manju Manglani.
The long roadUK law firms should be focusing more on risk-based systems, says Partner Frank Maher of Legal Risk
Partner protectionNon-management partners in US law firms are employees at will, argues Jerome Kowalski of Kowalski & Associates
Managing mining risksPartner Guanchun Dai of Zhong Lun Law Firm provides tips for potential Chinese investors in Africa
Lawyers shouldn't sellLawyers are enthusiastic amateur salespeople at best, argues Paul Brent, marketing director at Boyes Turner
Competitive force: How to develop innovative client services Andrew Hedley reveals how law firms can wipe out the competition through a strategic approach to value innovation.