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Latest Legal News


Honest, guv

Honest, guv

A recent decision of the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal shows how thorough preparation of all relevent details is the key to surviving an SRA investigation, says Tony Guise
True to your words

True to your words

Faced with inconsistent drafting, the courts will look at the language used in various part of a contract to save it from rescission, but this will not always be possible. James Naylor reports
A fertile subject

A fertile subject

The Human Fertilisation and Embryology Act 2008 has opened up new definitions of parenthood potentially affecting the work of all private client practitioners, from will-writers to tax planners and divorce lawyers, says Natalie Gamble
Learning to stress less

Learning to stress less

Emma Tyler explains some of the techniques lawyers can use to recognise and deal with stress
All in the name of honour

All in the name of honour

The link between forced marriage and honour-based violence is very real and should be taken much more seriously by the authorities, says Cris McCurley
Update: planning

Update: planning

Gregory Jones and Sarah Sackman review the latest planning cases involving commencement of development, and changes brought in by the Planning Act 2008
How to break the ice

How to break the ice

Brushing up on your networking skills will help you build those all-important contacts, says Jack Downton
Employment in the internet age

Employment in the internet age

Misuse of technology by employees can land employers in hot water, and the range of defences available are limited, says Sarah Crowther