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Latest Legal News


Reach out

Reach out

Lisa Wheelton shares her invaluable experiences of pro bono work in the US, defending death row inmates
Build it and they will come

Build it and they will come

Originally from Legal Marketing magazine vol 3 Issue 5: Simon Bussell, European marketing manager at UK firm Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP, reveals the steps to search engine optimisation success.
Minter Ellison

Minter Ellison

With the challenges wrought by financial, economic and climate change, along with loss of expertise when lawyers leave or retire, there has never been a time wh en collaboration to facilitate innovation has been so important. Simon Haigh, chief knowledg
Update: crime

Update: crime

Ian Harris and Christopher Gutteridge comment on recent changes to the sentencing of dangerous offenders, the absence of a comprehensive database of statute law and a recent case concerning the defence of 'panic'
Update: professional negligence

Update: professional negligence

Spike Charlwood and Alice Nash review the latest cases on dishonesty, limitation and witness immunity, and consider how the principles of 'loss of a chance' claims apply to negotiations
Invisible people

Invisible people

Here is a thought for the old year's end: we do not know how lucky we are. After traipsing back from a snarl-inducing day – shouted at by small fat judge, client unnecessarily imprisoned, tiny fees, late trains and smelly tubes – and well into heavy whining mode as a result, I read an email which could have been headed 'Reality check for lucky Brit lawyers', but was rather politer than that.
A drink at the last chance saloon

A drink at the last chance saloon

In clarifying liability for sales of alcohol to under 18s, the Licensing Act 2003 places particular responsibility on owners of alcohol, say Simon Walsh and Elliot Gold
Don't bank on a bonus

Don't bank on a bonus

Lawyers should prepare for a hard-fought battle over bonuses for investment bank employees who have been made redundant, says Jonathan Evans