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Latest Legal News


Blow down a storm of protest

Blow down a storm of protest

So-called 'green' energy generation methods, such as wind power may in turn create its own form of pollution. Andy McKenzie explains
An energy efficient future

An energy efficient future

Despite teething problems, energy performance certificates will become a critical element of modern days' property ownership, predicts Sandra Banks
Put on the best performance

Put on the best performance

What's the story with Energy Performance Certificates? Matthew Culnane provides some much-needed answers
Developing a planned future

Developing a planned future

There is doubt as to whether government proposals to change the planning laws will make it on to the Statute Book, says Philip Petchey
Behind bars: Food for thought

Behind bars: Food for thought

Behind Bars and indeed its husband are dieting this month, not that either of us are fat of course, but purely as a precautionary measure. Put it this way, one can see that one could with remarkably little trouble become porky, and a couple more blueberry muffins might just tip the balance.
Update: licensing

Update: licensing

Roy Light discusses the revised guidance under the Licensing Act 2003 and recent case law
Breaking the chains

Breaking the chains

For a fundamental breach of a commercial contract, a party will always have a remedy regardless of the exclusion clause. Richard Lawson explains
Countdown to change

Countdown to change

It is essential for conveyancing firms to respond to new challenges by taking action, not waiting to see what eventually happens, says Fiona Gregory