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Latest Legal News


Picture perfect

Picture perfect

The Coroners and Justice Bill shows awareness of changing technology and will clarify the law on illegal images of children, says Maureen Johnson
Well disposed

Well disposed

Charities looking to sell land must comply with several statutory obligations before entering into a contract, says Jane Lonergan
South West: ready for the next challenge

South West: ready for the next challenge

Fresh recruitment drives and further investment in technology are sure signs that South West firms are ready to come out of the downturn and tackle the Clementi reforms. Jean-Yves Gilg reports
Family business

Family business

Greater cooperation between the parties to family proceedings is required to give full effect to the latest interim guidance and reduce delays, says DJ Michael Buckley
Legal aid voices: housing and repossession

Legal aid voices: housing and repossession

Housing advice at the Derby Community Legal Advice Centre should be available within a fortnight but with rising demand the wait is now up four weeks, says Jon Robins
Striking at the roots

Striking at the roots

Masood Ahmed considers the guidance the courts have provided to those wishing to make strike out applications and how a party can avoid an order being made against them
Changing tack

Changing tack

The modern legal costs industry that was initially created to serve insurers and defendants has, in the space of little more than a decade, undergone a rise and fall that would have taken other industries decades to pass through.
Pitfalls for the unwary

Pitfalls for the unwary

Solicitors must ensure they understand their duties towards LEI insurers and claims management companies or risk a claim being brought against them, says Alison Siniver