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Latest Legal News


How best to manage assets after the Budget

How best to manage assets after the Budget

The latest Finance Bill 2008 is only one of the developments which should make investors review their position when deciding to manage assets either offshore or onshore, say Randall Krebs and Annika Jones
Update: sentencing

Update: sentencing

Barbara Barnes reviews the latest cases on dangerousness, young offenders, concurrent or consecutive sentences, young offenders and child pornography
Life in crime

Life in crime

Benjamin Newton discusses a recent Court of Appeal case that considered whether the defence of doli incapax was still available to defendants aged from 10 to 14 years
Capacity to marry and marriages abroad

Capacity to marry and marriages abroad

The High Court's inherent jurisdiction in cases involving the vulnerable remains a powerful tool to protect those lacking mental capacity, say Yogi Amin and Alex Rook
Opinion: where next for family legal aid?

Opinion: where next for family legal aid?

Low fees mean that family legal aid firms cannot afford to expand and there is evidence that their numbers may be shrinking faster than anyone realised, says David Emmerson.
Update: housing

Update: housing

Rebecca Cattermole reviews cases including right to buy and the status of occupiers
Independent decisions

Independent decisions

Expert determinations are increasingly favoured by those lawyers keen on resolving dispute away from the courts, says John Kendall