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Latest Legal News


Untraced driver claims to rise after Court of Appeal strikes down MIB agreement

Untraced driver claims to rise after Court of Appeal strikes down MIB agreement

The Motor Insurance Bureau could face thousands of claims for compensation in cases involving untraced drivers after a Court of Appeal ruling that children victim of hit-and-run drivers should be able to bring late claims for compensation in the same way as personal injury claimants in cases involving uninsured drivers (Byrne v Motor Insurance Bureau [2008] EWCA Civ 574).
Beneficial ownership

Beneficial ownership

What constitutes detriment for the purpose of supporting a common intention constructive trust, asks Professor Mark Pawlowski
European briefing

European briefing

The new mediation directive is a further example of how the EU's sphere of competence has gradually extended into the classic areas of private law and procedure,says Paul Stanley NO
Choosing the best

Choosing the best

Do not treat your firm's website like a second-rate flyer, says Russell Conway
Catastrophic injuries are best left to experts

Catastrophic injuries are best left to experts

Non-specialists should be wary of tackling catastrophic injury claims, as illustrated by a recent case that resulted in a record-breaking structured settlement for a road accident victim, says Ben Townsend, a partner at Stewarts