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Latest Legal News


Re-invent yourself

Re-invent yourself

Joanna Kennedy enjoyed her legal career, but has found her true calling in her role as chief executive of a charity
Spaghetti trees at the SRA

Spaghetti trees at the SRA

April Fool's Day didn't really feature in my life until 2002 when some friends produced their first child, a son. My husband was highly amused by this perceived social faux pas and wove into his otherwise congratulatory phone call to the new dad the immortal phrase “It could only happen to you, Simkin.”
Update: housing

Update: housing

Rebecca Cattermole reviews recent developments on anti-social behaviour and the latest rulings on housing allocation schemes, homelessness and tolerated tresspassers
Update: commercial

Update: commercial

Sara Partington considers liability for conversion, the dangers of including an arbitration clause in standard terms and conditions, vexatious litigants and the risk of incurring interest on invoices
Rules of engagement

Rules of engagement

DJ Paul Mildred reviews the procedure for challenging the court's jurisdiction and the latest CPR updates
The silk route

The silk route

There is pressure to but few women are applying for silk and more can be done to increase diversity, says Kate Thirlwall QC
I will survive

I will survive

Survivorship clauses have outlived their usefulness and they could now make the inheritance tax position substantially worse, says Malcolm Finney
Emission control

Emission control

Ellie Watson explains how the ambitious targets set by the Carbon Reduction Commitment will be met in practice and what it will mean for landlords and tenants