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A superior model

A superior model

Well here we are in the middle of a general election campaign and the flaws of the process are beginning to show. One person says something and another shouts “that's not true”; then someone else makes a counter-allegation and someone else says “that is not true” and meanwhile we all go back to reading the magazine section of the newspaper and become far more polarised among ourselves on such burning questions as whether John Terry should have kept the England captaincy and whether Wayne Bridge should or should not play in the World Cup.
SRA closes consumer credit law firm

SRA closes consumer credit law firm

The SRA has closed a law firm working with one of the country's largest claims management companies Cartel Client Review (CCR) in the biggest intervention by the regulator so far in terms of the number of client files involved (as opposed to the amount of client money).
Strasbourg to rule on index-linked pensions for expats

Strasbourg to rule on index-linked pensions for expats

The long-running legal battle by around half a million British pensioners who retired abroad against a government decision to freeze their pensions will reach its final stage in the European Court of Human Rights tomorrow.
Solicitor claims first ever surrogacy settlement

Solicitor claims first ever surrogacy settlement

Paul Rumley, partner at Withy King in Swindon, has claimed to have achieved the first ever settlement including damages for some of his client's surrogacy costs. The claim has been strongly denied by the NHS trust involved.
High Court setback for shared surface scheme

High Court setback for shared surface scheme

Guide Dogs, the guide dogs training charity, has been granted leave to bring judicial review proceedings against a 'shared surface' scheme proposed by Kensington and Chelsea Council.