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Jean-Yves Gilg

Editor, Solicitors Journal

SRA closes consumer credit law firm

SRA closes consumer credit law firm


The SRA has closed a law firm working with one of the country's largest claims management companies Cartel Client Review (CCR) in the biggest intervention by the regulator so far in terms of the number of client files involved (as opposed to the amount of client money).

The SRA has closed a law firm working with one of the country's largest claims management companies Cartel Client Review (CCR) in the biggest intervention by the regulator so far in terms of the number of client files involved (as opposed to the amount of client money).

Consumer Credit Litigation Solicitors (CCLS), based in Manchester, is understood to have worked almost entirely for CCR, a claims management company specialising in challenging consumer credit agreements. It is currently under separate investigation by the MoJ.

The law firm was run as a sole practice by Richard James Burley. Another sole practice run by Burley, Burley Solicitors in Newark, has also been closed.

In a statement on the interventions, the SRA said on its website that it was 'satisfied that there was reason to suspect dishonesty on the part of Mr Richard James Burley in relation to his practice as a solicitor'.

The SRA said a further ground for the intervention was that Burley failed to comply with the Solicitors Code of Conduct 2007 and the intervention was necessary to protect the interests of clients.

A spokesman for the SRA said that since one of the grounds for the intervention into CCLS was suspected dishonesty, Burley's practising certificate was automatically suspended.

It is understood that virtually all CCLS business came from CCR and that the organisations were based in the same building.

A spokesman for the MoJ said: 'We are currently investigating Cartel Client Review, but we have nothing further to say at present.'

Solicitors Journal attempted to contact CCR, using the main phone numbers on its website. Both resulted only in answer phone messages saying: 'We are currently unable to answer any inbound calls.'