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Latest Legal News


Catholic Care wins gay adoption challenge

Catholic Care wins gay adoption challenge

Catholic Care, the charity providing adoption services to the Catholic community, has succeeded in a last-ditch attempt at the High Court to escape regulations which could prevent it from excluding gay couples.
Strasbourg blow to expats in index-linked pensions case

Strasbourg blow to expats in index-linked pensions case

Thirteen British expats who brought a test case to have their pensions index-linked have lost the final possible appeal against the government's decision not to up-rate them in line with those of pensioners living in Britain.
Cream of the QROPS

Cream of the QROPS

Since coming into force in 2006, a substantial number of QROPSs have been established in several jurisdictions, and they may have wider application than first thought. Alan Fowler reports
Making amends

Making amends

Two years after the ruling in Alhamrani, Philip Sinel and Nina Gurney reflect on the lessons learned for trust practitioners and the questions left unanswered
Money grows on trees

Money grows on trees

Investing in forestry presents so many advantages it is little surprise private client lawyers are increasingly called to advise on the issue, says Denise Wilkinson