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Latest Legal News


Cracking the code

Cracking the code

Housebuilders should be aware of several changes to their duties introduced by the new consumer code for homeowners, says Dominic Beeton
Culture clash

Culture clash

The number of cases of international child abduction is rising, but in which country should proceedings take place and what rights does each parent have? Henry Brookman reports
April fools

April fools

A cold March that cannot make its mind up about being spring is fairly dire, but April is the cruellest month. It has to be really, what with its curious habits of breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire and stirring dull roots with spring rain.
Taking exercise

Taking exercise

How much control do member states really have in decisions concerning citizenship, asks Paul Stanley NO
MoJ suspends Cartel Client Review

MoJ suspends Cartel Client Review

The Ministry of Justice has suspended the authorisation of Cartel Client Review (CCR), one of the country's biggest claims management firms. The MoJ had been investigating the company for some time and said it had generated a “high volume of enquiries”.