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The Bar


Lessons in life

Lessons in life

Practitioners are frustrated that it is becoming harder for children and parents to access legal advice in education disputes, as Jenny Ramage discovers
Justified aims

Justified aims

Paul Stanley considers whether the compulsory retirement age ruling is compatible with UK regulations, the binding force of unpublished rules and the right to indemnity under the Commercial Agents Directive
The Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007

The Forced Marriage (Civil Protection) Act 2007

Awareness of the damage that forced marriage can cause to individuals has grown in recent years, and now the Forced Marriages Act recognises for the first time the abuse of power by those enforcing their wishes against family members. Cris McCurley reports
The recovery position

The recovery position

The current climate is likely to create more work for litigators but lawyers themselves could increasingly end up as defendants in professional negligence claims brought by lenders, says Georgina Squire
The silk route

The silk route

There is pressure to but few women are applying for silk and more can be done to increase diversity, says Kate Thirlwall QC
A dead cert… or a nuisance?

A dead cert… or a nuisance?

The risks for developers of nuisance claims being brought could lead to more serious consequences than simply paying out compensation, says Gordon Wignall
Down under, but not out

Down under, but not out

“I can't possibly go, it is much too soon. I can't. I can't. Anyway, we can't afford it.” This to my wife who wanted so much to see her doctor daughter in Australia after a six-month separation. Her to me (still in a state of turmoil after losing my job): “But you must. You've not had a proper holiday for well over a year and if you don't come I will go alone.”
Update: professional negligence

Update: professional negligence

Spike Charlwood and Alice Nash review the latest cases on limitation for loss claims, the standard of care expected of barristers and solicitors, and liability for future trading losses