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Technical legal practice


Why lawyers need to develop soft skills

Why lawyers need to develop soft skills

It started with the Legal Services Act and the financial downturn. Now, with the advent of technology and changing consumer habits, lawyers are finally taking business skills a lot more seriously, says Edward O'Rourke
In a spin

In a spin

Anti-money laundering procedures are going under the microscope in 2019. Hannah Gannagé-Stewart looks at why no firm is exempt from needing top-notch AML compliance going forward
The limits of litigation funding

The limits of litigation funding

Katie Alexiou and George Williamson explain how litigation funding can help in a family law context, albeit with limitations
Housing court proposals met with scepticism

Housing court proposals met with scepticism

Government proposals to establish a specialist housing court in the hope of reducing delays have been met with scepticism by the Civil Justice Council (CJC) this week.