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Technical legal practice


A top down approach
Solicitors Journal

A top down approach

Pippa Allsop argues the case for self-regulation of lawyer working practices supported by a clear framework from employers
When compensation can prove taxing
Solicitors Journal

When compensation can prove taxing

Elliot Elsey explains the tax treatment of compensation and the need for practitioners to secure expert advice from tax specialists
Tinkering with inheritance tax
Solicitors Journal

Tinkering with inheritance tax

Recommendations by the Office of Tax Simplification to streamline inheritance tax are not fundamental reform but are welcome, says Matthew Duncan
Supervision, but not as you know as it
Solicitors Journal

Supervision, but not as you know as it

Supervision of lawyers is a vital tool in their resource kit which would fundamentally change how they deal with relationships, and should be compulsory for family law firms, argues Gillian Bishop
Consent and clinical negligence
Solicitors Journal

Consent and clinical negligence

A surgeon may be found liable if informed consent cannot be proven even if the surgery itself wasn't negligent, as James Wilson-MacDonald and Nicholas Todd explain
One day, a whisper
Solicitors Journal

One day, a whisper

A diminishing number of clinical negligence lawyers can mount an effective claim today compared to 30 years ago, as Richard Barr illustrates