16 Aug 2022Clarke Willmott advises Vauxhall dealership Picador on Snows acquisitionKelvin Balmont led on the deal for Clarke Wilmott
15 Aug 2022Businesses that ignore Plastic Packaging Tax 'in for a nasty surprise'Just 992 businesses have voluntarily registered for the tax
12 Aug 2022Tulip Trading granted leave to appeal in bid to recover over £3bn of BitcoinLondon law firm ONTIER represent the appellant
11 Aug 2022US law firm profitability drops for fourth consecutive quarter Demand has cooled and expenses have increased
9 Aug 2022New legal aid immigration fees ‘will not undo years of underfunding’CILEX members have argued proposed increases will still not adequately cover their work
8 Aug 2022Law Society elects criminal legal aid solicitor as deputy vice presidentThe new deputy VP will take up office in October