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Risk & Compliance


West Midlands

West Midlands

Mid-weight firms are feeling the strain but are confident a focused and more innovative approach to client relations will get them through the downturn. Jean-Yves Gilg reports
Conditional discharge: a new order?

Conditional discharge: a new order?

Hospital managers should tread carefully before making a conditional discharge order following the latest Mental Health Act's Code of Practice, says Andrew Parsons
The right to know

The right to know

Big increases in requests for information about public sector employees mean they can no longer expect total confidentiality, says Ibrahim Hasan
Update: professional negligence

Update: professional negligence

Spike Charlwood and Alice Nash review the latest cases on dishonesty, limitation and witness immunity, and consider how the principles of 'loss of a chance' claims apply to negotiations
Honest, guv

Honest, guv

A recent decision of the Solicitors Disciplinary Tribunal shows how thorough preparation of all relevent details is the key to surviving an SRA investigation, says Tony Guise
All change please

All change please

Before we get down to the nitty gritty please start to ponder on the vexed question that most solicitors have had to confront at some stage in their careers: what do you do with a smelly (sorry – hygienically challenged) client?
Update: employment

Update: employment

Sue Ashtiany considers the merits and potential pitfalls of the new ACAS Code on disciplinary and grievance procedures, and reviews a case on discrimination and the reverse burden of proof
Interview: David Edmonds

Interview: David Edmonds

David Edmonds on independent regulation, competition and the arrival of the consumer-citizen to the legal services market