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Risk & Compliance


Update: wills and probate

Update: wills and probate

Helen Bryant discusses the UK's opt out of the EU's regulation on succession and wills, proprietary estoppel, the position of executors when a will is being challenged, and inheritance tax
Bag a lawyer

Bag a lawyer

The Legal Services Act has generated pages of gloomy predictions about the threat to law firms, but it could offer fresh opportunities for the publicly funded sector. Jon Robins reports
Clear the way

Clear the way

What constitutes 'multiple agreements' under the Consumer Credit Act is so unclear the revelant provision should be repealed to avoid wasting anymore time on attempts to understand it, says Richard Mawrey QC
Update: family (children)

Update: family (children)

Noel Arnold discusses cases on parenthood in residence and contact proceedings, section 91(14) orders and further clarification of the test for interim removal
In the name of duty

In the name of duty

The scope of the standard of care owed to clients may have widened, but the courts are unlikely to find practitioners liable for faults which are not related to the job they are retained to do, says Sophie Brake