22 Mar 2023Reforms to digital asset laws needed to tackle legal minefieldMatthew Huggett assesses the Law Commission's recommended reforms
20 Mar 2023India: incentives for promoting Intellectual Property RightsSafir Anand explores regulations for protecting IPRs in India
13 Mar 2023SLAPPS and the SRAAnthony Armitage reviews the SRA's evolving guidance on SLAPPS and solicitors' duties
28 Feb 2023Russia: cybercrime and co-ordinated sanctions actionAngelika Hellweger considers the issues involved in the US and UK's sanctioning of Russian cyber criminals.
20 Feb 2023Right to a refund: train travel lawSamantha Greer considers railway companies and consumer rights
12 Feb 2023SRA guidance on the UK sanctions regimeJessica Clay and Lucinda Soon examine the SRA's expectations on complying with the UK sanctions regime
8 Feb 2023The mysteries of non-dom statusLaura Harper anaylses the intricacies of the topical "non-domiciled" status